Flowers for Weddings in April
April has brought us some glorious sunny days and our beautiful gardens are certainly bursting into life now! This month and together with our florist Penny, from Crown House Flowers, we were spoilt for choice when deciding on which flowers and foliage to use for our April wedding flowers arrangements.
The daffodils have put on a fantastic show this year and the delicate shades of pinks and white blossom on lots of trees is such a lovely sight. As you walk through our gardens at this time of year you can also enjoy the wonderful scents from lots of flowers, including narcissus, hyacinths, osmanthus and, of course, the wonderful magnolias.
For our April wedding flowers we decided, in the end, on using the fabulously scented narcissus, plum and green shades of elegant hellebores flowers, white blossom and the delicate white star shaped flowers found on amelanciers. For foliage we used sprays of broom and cotoneaster all of which we grow in our gardens. Penny created two bridal bouquets, the first was a loose asymmetrical hand-tied arrangement containing the creamy-white clusters of the aptly named Bridal Crown narcissus and single and double flowering green and plum hellebores. The second bouquet was a simple arrangement of Obdam narcissus which has large double blooms of cream and soft yellow and both bouquets were finished with long flowing ribbons – stunning!
Penny also used a hanging crown decorated with hellebores and rustic hanging jars filled with more hellebores, bridal crown narcissus and sprays of osmanthus, a very fragrant white flowering shrub, to decorate branches of our Lawson Cypress tree. These arrangements would be perfect for any wedding in April and were all made using seasonal British grown flowers from our gardens at Swanton Morley House.
If you are interested in learning more about floristry using British grown flowers please have a look at our flower workshops or contact us for more details.